Berufsbild Künstler*in: Tara Najd Ahmadi
Am 29.10. ist Tara Najd Ahmadi zu Gast bei Berufsbild Künstler:in.
Gastgeberin Eliane Huber-Irikawa
Mi, 23. Oktober, 17:45 – 19:45
Altes Kino, Liebknechtgasse 32, 1160 Wien
Tara Najd Ahmadi is a scholar, artist and non-fiction filmmaker. She received her PhD in Visual and Cultural Studies from the University of Rochester (NY). Solo screenings of her work have taken place at various venues including the Anthology Film Archives, and her essays have been published in multiple journals and books including the Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies. Her films have been screened in festivals and venues such as International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, Institute for Contemporary Arts London and Dokufest Prizren among others.
Tara Najd Ahmadi